Saturday, May 22, 2010

Alkaline Diet - Just Hot Air?

The alkaline diet is often promoted as a solution for weight problems, tiredness, and many other health problems that plague our modern world. If you've heard these claims, you are probably interested in the alkaline diet, but not completely convinced that it's all it is purported to be. In this article, I want to briefly address these concerns so that you can make the best choice for your lifestyle.

First, let's talk about what kind of evidence for the alkaline diet we want to see before we make up our minds. As compelling as they may be, personal success stories are not enough. After all, there are people out there singing the praises of every diet on the market, from low-carb to high-carb. No, what we want is well-designed scientific research conducted by impartial experts. Is there any such research on the alkaline diet?

The answer is yes. Although I don't have enough room to go into them here in detail, there have been a number of studies which support the benefits of the alkaline diet for preventing osteoporosis and muscle wasting, as well as for reducing the discomfort associated with chronic low back pain and rheumatoid arthritis. Researchers also have good reason to believe that an alkaline diet can be helpful for improving energy levels, preserving kidney function, and preventing kidney stones.

What about the safety of the alkaline diet? This is obviously an important concern. No matter what the benefits are claimed for a diet, you do not want to take the risk of causing serious damage to your health by following an extreme dietary regimen. Well, the good news about the alkaline diet is that it is not an extreme fad diet. For most people, it is a safe and effective nutritional approach.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Alkaline Diet - What If It's Wrong?

Alkaline diet advocates claim that their diet can help people lose weight, gain energy, and resolve many chronic health problems without drugs or surgery. On the other hand, skeptics say that the alkaline diet is just another fad diet that is not supported by scientific evidence. For my part, I believe that some, not all, of the health claims made for the alkaline diet are supported by science. However, I want to take a little different approach in this article. What if the science turns out to be wrong, and acid-alkaline balance has no effect on human health?

Again, I am confident that this is not the case. But you may not share my confidence in the alkaline diet. And some skepticism about all diets is warranted. After all, it seems we are constantly reading in the newspaper that eggs are bad for us, then they're good for us again, or that vegetables prevent cancer -- but oops, this new study says that they don't. So it's always a good idea to consider the worst-case scenario. We hope that the alkaline diet turns out to have many benefits, but at least we want to make sure that it won't cause us harm.

So let's talk about the specific foods that are emphasized and avoided on the alkaline diet. This diet encourages us to reduce or eliminate consumption of meat, dairy products, eggs, and processed foods that are made with refined starches and sugars. At the same time, it encourages us to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, certain whole grains, lentils, avocados, and healthy oils like olive oil and flaxseed oil. In short, the alkaline diet is similar to the Mediterranean diet and certain vegetarian diets, which means that the alkaline diet is a balanced approach to nutrition.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Alkaline Diet - Revolution or Rip-Off?

Alkaline diet fans boast that their favorite diet is the best way to lose weight and overcome health problems. But are these claims correct? Is there really any reason to believe that the alkaline diet can improve your health, or is it just another fad diet is based on celebrity hype and hearsay? That's the question that I am going to address in this article. After carefully considering the evidence for and against this diet, I believe that there are reasons to believe that the acid alkaline diet is beneficial for human health.

Even critics of the alkaline diet acknowledge that maintaining a proper acid-alkaline balance is essential for health. Skeptics say that the foods you eat have no effect on your internal pH, because your body will simply self-regulate to the proper pH level. But some reputable studies have found that eating the typical Western diet can indeed lead to a low grade, but nonetheless serious, state of acidosis. And since this condition is caused by eating too many acid-forming foods, the only real solution is to adopt a well-balanced alkaline diet.

In addition, I believe that this way of eating has additional health benefits which are not related to acid-alkaline balance. For example, the alkaline diet emphasizes fresh fruits and vegetables, which are universally knowledge to be good for you. Other foods that are emphasized on the alkaline diet include certain whole grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, and oils that are rich in monounsaturated and omega-3 fats. All of these foods have been shown in scientific studies to have numerous health benefits, including a reduced risk of cancer, heart disease, stroke, and other serious conditions. So even if acidity had no effect on human health, the alkaline diet would still be a smart choice.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Alkaline Diet - A Natural Energy Boost

Alkaline diet supporters can tell you any number of reasons to adopt this healthy way of eating. Among other benefits, the alkaline diet can help you lose weight and overcome many health problems. But the question on many people's minds is whether the alkaline diet can also help them to achieve a higher energy level.

There are many possible causes for fatigue. Sometimes it is caused by serious health problems, which is one reason that it isn't a bad idea to see a doctor if you are chronically tired. Frequently, however, your doctor will tell you that he or she can't find anything seriously wrong with you, and that your fatigue is most likely the result of poor sleeping patterns, stress, a lack of exercise, or improper nutrition.

All of these factors are important, but in this article I want to talk about the importance of an alkaline diet. As the cliche says, "You are what you eat," and proper nutrition can certainly make a big difference in how you look and feel. If you put junk into your system, you won't get the same performance that you would get by following a healthy alkaline diet.

But how does the alkaline diet help you to have more energy? Well, every cell and organ in your body just works better in a state of ideal acid-alkaline balance. Energy is manufactured structures called mitochondria which can be found inside your cells. When your body becomes too acidic as the result of eating a Standard American Diet, your mitochondria do not function as efficiently, and your energy level suffers. On the other hand, when you eat a healthy alkaline diet, you are creating an optimal internal state. In short, a high-alkaline diet gives your body the fuel it needs for peak performance.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Alkaline Diet for Weight Loss?

The alkaline diet has become a popular option among people who want to lose weight. In particular, it has benefited from growing dissatisfaction with the Atkins diet and other low-carb diets. But it can this type of diet really help you lose weight? Also, is the alkaline diet truly superior to low-carb diets? Today, I will be examining these questions in order to give you the information you need to make healthy choices.

To answer the question of whether or not you can lose weight on an alkaline diet, we first need to understand what qualities cause a diet to be good for weight loss. Then we can see whether or not the alkaline diet measures up to those standards. If you ask 10 different people about weight loss, you will probably hear 10 different answers. However, the closest thing to a universal truth about weight loss is that you need to consume fewer calories than you burn. Whether or not eating alkaline foods will help you to reduce your caloric intake depends upon the types of foods you ate before you begin the alkaline diet, and the types of foods that you eat afterwards. For example, if you fill up on a lot of alkalizing almonds, cashews, and sesame seeds, you could actually gain weight on the alkaline diet. The good news is that the alkaline diet requires you to reduce your consumption of many fattening foods, including high-fat meat and dairy foods, and snack foods which are typically loaded with fat and processed carbs.

As you can see, this type of diet can be an effective approach for weight loss, but it depends upon how you do it. By choosing low-calorie foods and engaging in regular exercise, you can lose weight on the alkaline diet.