Monday, May 10, 2010

Alkaline Diet - A Natural Energy Boost

Alkaline diet supporters can tell you any number of reasons to adopt this healthy way of eating. Among other benefits, the alkaline diet can help you lose weight and overcome many health problems. But the question on many people's minds is whether the alkaline diet can also help them to achieve a higher energy level.

There are many possible causes for fatigue. Sometimes it is caused by serious health problems, which is one reason that it isn't a bad idea to see a doctor if you are chronically tired. Frequently, however, your doctor will tell you that he or she can't find anything seriously wrong with you, and that your fatigue is most likely the result of poor sleeping patterns, stress, a lack of exercise, or improper nutrition.

All of these factors are important, but in this article I want to talk about the importance of an alkaline diet. As the cliche says, "You are what you eat," and proper nutrition can certainly make a big difference in how you look and feel. If you put junk into your system, you won't get the same performance that you would get by following a healthy alkaline diet.

But how does the alkaline diet help you to have more energy? Well, every cell and organ in your body just works better in a state of ideal acid-alkaline balance. Energy is manufactured structures called mitochondria which can be found inside your cells. When your body becomes too acidic as the result of eating a Standard American Diet, your mitochondria do not function as efficiently, and your energy level suffers. On the other hand, when you eat a healthy alkaline diet, you are creating an optimal internal state. In short, a high-alkaline diet gives your body the fuel it needs for peak performance.

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